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  1. Deliberation/confirmation of the budget and accounts
    Directive guideline of budget compilation (Jul. 31st of the previous year)

    Minister of Interior and Safety

    1. Report in the general meeting

      Report the submission of the budget proposal

    2. Description of budget proposal
      (General meeting)

      Presentation by the head of local government

    3. Submission of the standing committee
      (Official document)

      Possible to select assessment period

    4. Introduction/deliberation/resolution in the standing committee

      Preliminary assessment for each jurisdiction committee

    5. Report to the chairman (Official document)

      Chairman of each standing committee

    6. Submission to the budget committee
      (Official document)

      Budget proposal by the chairman of the standing committee

    7. Introduction/deliberation/resolution in the budget committee

      General assessment of the budget proposal

    8. Report to the chairman (Official document)

      Special committee for budget and accounts

    9. Introduction/deliberation/resolution in the general meeting

      Requires consent of the head of local government before deliberation in case of budget increase or establishment of a new category

    10. Transfer to the chairman of local government

      Transfer within 3days from the day of resolution

  2. Notification (Open to the public)

    Report to the Minister of Public Administration and Safety
    (Report immediately for budget proposal and within 5 days for budget and accounts)